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A condition that typically affects individuals who are diabetic or have high blood pressure, diabetic neuropathy can affect nerve endings throughout the entire body. It most often affects the legs and occurs when nerve endings are affected by high blood sugar. Patients who are suffering from diabetic neuropathy should always

What is spinal stenosis? Spinal stenosis is characterized by a narrowing of the spaces in the spine between vertebrae, causing pressure to be exerted upon the nerves of the spinal cord. This condition can develop gradually, over the course of many years. Many patients do not experience any symptoms until they

Sciatica affects the sciatic nerve, which starts in your lower back and runs through your buttocks and down each leg. Sciatica develops when a muscle squeezes or pinches down on the nerve, which results in pain and discomfort. What are the symptoms of sciatica? Common symptoms of sciatica include: Pain that

Coccydynia, known casually as tailbone pain, can affect individuals of any age, gender, or fitness level. Tailbone pain is a complex issue, because there are several different potential causes, diagnostic methods, and treatment options available. Anyone suffering from tailbone pain is familiar with the intense pain that often worsens while